
The script checks an email for emails with a specific subject, downloads pdf attachments from that email to a temporary folder, converts that PDF to a TXT file, pipes that text file through Fabric to ollama, and saves the reply from ollama/fabric to a locally mounted obsidian directory.

Usage Example

I use this to email pdf files of step by step instructions to be added to my Obsidian vault. The fabric pattern is designed to extract ONLY the step by step instructions from the PDF and save those to Obsidian. I would love to see the fabric pattern improved.

So for anyone looking for something like this, I wrote a bash script that uses Ollama, Fabric, attachment-downloader, and pdftotext.

Introducing Email-to-obsidian-sync, or ETOS.

The script checks an email for emails with a specific subject, downloads pdf attachments from that email to a temporary folder, converts that PDF to a TXT file, pipes that text file through Fabric to ollama, and saves the reply from ollama/fabric to a locally mounted obsidian directory. I am not an expert programmer but it seems to work. See instructions below:

These instructions do not cover installing a custom pattern for fabric, there are tutorials out there for how to do this. My pattern is in the write_code folder. The fabric documentation is great so I recommend studying that.

Basic concept: 1. Use attachment downloader to get pdf from email 2. Use pdftotext(part of poppler-utils) to convert pdf to text 3. Pipe text into fabric saving to obsidian directory

In the below steps you must replace: <EMAIL_SMTP_HOST> - The smtp server of your email host <EMAIL_ADDRESS> - The email used for logging in to that email host <EMAIL_PASSWORD> - Tha password used for logging into the email <EMAIL_FOLDER> - The folder where we want to download messages on the email server most likely Inbox <EMAIL_OUTPUT_LOCATION> - The local directory where we want to save the downloaded PDF file <EMAIL_SUBJECT_FILTER> - The filter that will be at the beginning of the subject of every email we want to download PDF files from, I used etos <PDF_DOWNLOADED> - This is only used during setup to verify that attachment-downloader and pdftotext are installed and working before running the script <REMOTE_OLLAMA_SERVER> - This is only needed if you are using a remote ollama server, if ollama is running on localhost remove the tag along with the configuration option in the script. I.E. remove everything after write_code and before | " --remoteOllamaServer <REMOTE_OLLAMA_SERVER>" <DOWNLOADED_ATTACHMENT> The PDF file that attachment-downloader pulled from your email server in step 7 <DOWNLOADED_ATTACHMENT_CONVERTED> The TXT file that was created in step 8

Make sure to add your custom pattern, I have added my pattern as write_code, if you name your pattern something else make sure to replace write_code in the below script

Actual Steps 1. Update and Upgrade ubuntu bash sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y 2. Install needed packages bash sudo apt install wget curl git nano ufw pip pipx poppler-utils ffmpeg cron 3. Install attachment-downloader bash pipx install attachment-downloader 4. Ensure pipx path bash pipx ensurepath 5. Copy attachment downloader bin to $PATH bash cp /root/.local/share/pipx/venvs/attachment-downloader/bin/attachment-downloader /usr/local/sbin/attachment-downloader 6. Setup email account where files will be sent 7. Test attachment-downloader works ```bash attachment-downloader --host --username --password --imap-folder --output --delete --subject-regex= --filename-template="{{date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S-%f')}}_{{ attachment_name }}"

8. Test pdftotext and open the generated text file(placed next to the PDF by default)
pdftotext <PDF_DOWNLOADED>
  1. Copy fabric repository bash git clone
  2. Change into fabric directory bash cd ./fabric
  3. Install fabric bash pipx install .
  4. Ensure pipx path bash pipx ensurepath
  5. Run fabric setup bash fabric --setup
  6. Reload your shell bash source ~/.bashrc
  7. Test if fabric installed properly by running bash fabric --help
  8. Download file from email server bash attachment-downloader --host <EMAIL_SMTP_HOST> --username <EMAIL_ADDRESS> --password <EMAIL_PASSWORD> --imap-folder <EMAIL_FOLDER> --output <EMAIL_OUTPUT_LOCATION> --delete --subject-regex=<EMAIL_SUBJECT_FILTER> --filename-template="{{date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S-%f')}}_{{ attachment_name }}"
  9. Convert pdf to text bash pdftotext '<DOWNLOADED_ATTACHMENT>.pdf'
  10. Test if we can use fabric to call ollama bash cat '<DOWNLOADED_ATTACHMENT_CONVERTED>.pdf' | fabric --model llama3:latest --pattern write_code --remoteOllamaServer <REMOTE_OLLAMA_SERVER> | save NewTo-Do
  11. Setup the smb mount for obsidian folder, there are tons of tutorials out there for how to mount a SMB share, at the end of the day the files from this directory just need to go to your obsidian library, you can do that with Syncthing, an SMB share, or your choice of getting it there.
  12. Pull the script bash mkdir /opt/etos git clone cp ./etos/ /opt/etos/

  13. Make script executable bash chmod +x /opt/etos/

  14. Schedule a crontask to pull emails, pipe into fabric and save to obsidian folder bash crontab -e

0 * * * * /usr/bin/bash /opt/etos/
15 * * * * /usr/bin/bash /opt/etos/
30 * * * * /usr/bin/bash /opt/etos/
45 * * * * /usr/bin/bash /opt/etos/